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The Black Mind

Bryce Jones

In the quest for rights, we fought the fight, 

But still, the darkness veils our light. 

Why did we strive, with all our might, 

Only to falter, dimming the right? 


For MLK, Malcolm, they bore the brunt, 

Endured the blows, each painful stunt. 

Yet here we stand, in shadows cast, 

Regressing fast, our progress past. 


They faced the hate, the vile overcame, 

To break the chains of years of pain. 

But now, we see, a sad refrain, 

As history's lessons, we did not retain. 


Instead of love, we wield the rod, 

Beating children with switch and cord. 

This legacy, a cruel discord, 

Not what they fought for, with hearts poured. 


Brothers slain, in senseless strife, 

A far cry from the dream of life. 

Neighborhoods divided, by fear's knife, 

Betraying the promise, the hope was rife. 


So let us not forget their plight, 

The ones who fought for what was right. 

Let their legacy ignite the fight, 

To steer our course back to the light 

Bryce Jones : 1st Place Winner of the American American Poetry Contest

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