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Sam Sowers

“You have amazing skin.” 

“Those cheekbones could slice through diamonds.” 

“Your facial structure is to die for.”  

If I got a nickel every time I got a compliment on my skin I’d be rich, oh wait I am. I started my journey on becoming the best skincare influencer when I was 13. I have never gotten a pimple before or had a chubby face like the other girls in school. I had a face better than most models including my mother who modeled for years but refused to keep up with the times. My embarrassing mother cried and cried when she lost her job to the younger prettier models, and I would always just roll my eyes. She wanted to stay “natural” and not use any form of chemicals on her skin. She always advertised her natural beauty, which for the most part worked until she started getting wrinkles and sun damage on her skin. I knew I was never going to be like my mother. I would do whatever it takes to stay young, supple, and beautiful.  

This new company in the industry, SkinX, reached out to me through my personal assistant.  

“Calista you’ve gotten an email from the brand SkinX. They are hoping to create a product that will be the first of its kind. An at home chemical peel. It would be perfect for your beautiful skin Calista. It would accentuate your perfect cheekbones.” my assistant told me in my office.  

Perfect, I thought to myself, this company understands my goal. I need to be the best. I need to be the prettiest. I need to have perfect skin. I need to be perfect.  

“Thank you Sara, I would appreciate if you responded yes.”  

“Of course, Calista.” 

I’ve been working with SkinX for about three weeks now. We have finally created the perfect chemical peel. Easy steps for even the ugliest, incompetent people. SkinX informs me that there will be a slight tingle sensation that I should forewarn my viewers of on my livestream. I agree and tell Sara to set up the backdrop and product for the livestream.  

“Welcome back to my channel everyone, today we will be reviewing my very first product with this company SkinX. The first ever at home chemical peel.”  

I lift the product up to the camera. The label just has a giant X on it. Boring but I’ll get Sara to deal with it later. 

“I will be doing a live walkthrough of how to use the product and applying it to my face to show the results.”  

I switch the camera angle to the table, showing my hands, the product, an application tool, some mixture that smells of salt, and a bowl. 

“First we will start off by adding some of the powdered product to a bowl. Then we will add the activation liquid. Next we will mix. And finally,” camera switches back to face, “Apply the mask.” 

I apply it starting on my forehead and moving down my face avoiding my eyes and ending with my chin.  

“Forewarning everyone there will be a slight tingle with this product.”  

Wow, it is really starting to tingle. I feel like I’m sweating. It’s so hot. 

“Ow this hurts,” I mumble to myself. I’m trying to compose myself for the camera still but it’s getting more and more painful.  

I look over at the comments and they all say to look in the mirror. I grabbed the handheld one I used to apply the mask. it was just red, but little did I know that was only the beginning.  

A tear dropped from my eye. As it hit my red skin it evaporated but as the vapor rose something didn’t feel right. I screamed. 

The exact spot where my salty tear had dropped my skin bubbled and began to drip. I winced in pain as the flesh beneath charred. After one drop came a waterfall. My entire face started to bubble. The skin flowed off of my face and splatted onto the table and through my hands. In my attempt to catch my once young, supple, beautiful skin. I picked up the mirror next to me and lifted it up. There was nothing except bloody charred flesh and then I looked closer. My cheekbones were sticking out. Pristine, white cheekbones that the email had complemented.  

I looked in the comments and all I could see was a profile picture with a giant X just like the packaging that read,  

“I did say my product would accentuate your cheekbones.”  


I’m terrified to look down. 

“I think you look so much better without those.” 

At my feet I see my cheekbones. 

By Samantha Sowers, 1st Place Winner for the 2024 Spooky Story Contest

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